
I had many opportunities for public speaking while working in higher education. I continue to enjoy presenting and sharing knowledge about technical and career-related topics.

Salesforce Developer Podcast: JavaScript and Careers with Lisa White


December 26, 2022

Lisa White is a Software Engineer over at TaskRay. Over the years, Lisa has tried out a variety of careers and had to make many career decisions. Throughout her experiences, she learned JavaScript and eventually found her way to TaskRay.

It's a Date(time): A Courtship with JavaScript & Salesforce

San Francisco, CA | Dreamforce (Salesforce Annual Conference)

September 22, 2022

Working with Dates and Datetimes in Salesforce and JavaScript can get complicated. Learn the edge cases involved in working on the Salesforce Platform in a date- and time-driven global application.

Career Transitions Panel: Presented by the Colgate Professional Networks


October 21, 2020

A discussion with alumni panelists about how to navigate career transitions, offering advice and guidance to help you plan your next move.